Finding Home Again – The Dance Current online, August, 2020
I pitched and wrote this article because I wanted to use my personal experience with fat phobia in dance training to discuss the accessibility of virtual dance training. In talking about this, my aim was to help others with similar experiences feel seen and offer an invitation to dance in a safer way. When posted on the magazine’s Instagram page, this article garnered over 100 likes within 24 hours and many appreciative comments from readers.

Bin Chickens Up Close – Toronto Dance Theatre’s blog, November, 2020
In this article I chatted with choreographer and director Alyssa Martin to learn about her experience adapting her dance piece into a film. My goal was to capture Martin’s intelligence and quirky sense of humour, bringing audiences and artists behind the scenes to learn about her process. My knowledge of dance from the perspective of a both a performer and a choreographer was useful in writing this article and Martin told me she appreciated the care I took with the piece. Toronto Dance Theatre was extremely happy with my contribution.

The Career Chronicles – The Dance Current, Spring issue, April, 2021
With this article, which has since become a series, I was looking to challenge the capitalist, classist notion that artists are not truly committed to their craft, or ‘successful’ unless they devote themselves full-time to their craft. The reality is that many artists who are able to focus on their art full-time are able to do so because of privileges such as inherited wealth, something that is not often discussed. By chatting with folks who work in dance while also working in other sectors, I was hoping to bring the subtext of being an artist to the forefront, to foster community.
In writing this piece I leaned on my strong research skills and interpersonal skills to both find and connect with artists across the country.

The Career Chronicles – The Dance Current, Summer issue, July, 2021
Follow @thedancecurrent to read this article when it comes out.